Credit: Ross Krasnow

Maximizing Throttle Travel and Improving Sensitivity

Did you know you might only be using 60% of your throttle’s travel? After Ross had an incident where he completely whiskey-throttled his bike in “Champ Mode”, he dug into the controller settings to make the throttle less sensitive-especially for those with the Domino throttle and “Sicko Mode” settings. Here’s what he discovered.

Understanding TPS Dead Zones

Default Settings

  • TPS Dead Low: 20%
  • TPS Dead High: 80%

This means

  • The first 20% of throttle motion doesn’t move the bike (dead zone).
  • The last 20% of throttle motion delivers 100% throttle (another dead zone).
  • You’re left with only 60% of throttle motion controlling the bike’s speed.

Optimizing with Domino Throttle

To utilize more of the throttle’s range, I adjusted the values

  • TPS Dead Low: 5%
  • TPS Dead High: 95%


  • The bike responds after just 5% of throttle motion.
  • The last 5% of throttle motion delivers maximum speed.
  • 90% of throttle motion now actively modulates speed, making the throttle less twitchy and far smoother.

Stock Throttle Note

With the stock throttle, Ross couldn’t set TPS Dead Low below 18% without losing responsiveness, but Ross successfully extended TPS Dead High to 95%.

Refining Throttle Response with TPS Forw MAP

This setting determines how power is delivered through the throttle

  • Default Value: 30%
    • Biases power delivery toward the last 70% of throttle motion.
  • Higher Values (e.g., 70%)
    • Concentrate power delivery in the first 30% of throttle motion, making it twitchier.
  • Lower Values (e.g., 20%)
    • Smooth power delivery, reducing sensitivity across the throttle range.

Pro Tip: Setting TPS Forw MAP to 50% provides a linear throttle response, balancing control and power delivery.

Ross’s Experience

The short motion of the Domino throttle makes these adjustments even more impactful. Extending the throttle’s effective range and smoothing its response has drastically improved how the bike feels and handles. These tweaks made a huge positive difference for Ross.